The best superfunds for when you retire: with Ian Fryer
We talk about the investment returns of the best performing funds over 1 year and 10 year horizons. And, we talk about how you should be evaluating your fund’s performance with this information.
In retirement phase, there’s simply no government benchmarks for reviewing the performance of your superannuation fund and the fees they charge. This makes it challenging for retirees to evaluate whether their retirement phase funds really are performing. So this week we’re talking to Ian Fryer from super-industry research firm, Chant West about the best performing funds in the 2023/24 financial year.
We talk about the investment returns of the best performing funds over 1 year and 10 year horizons. And, we talk about how you should be evaluating your fund’s performance with this information.
Highlights of the conversation:
How accumulation and retirement phase super funds performed in the year to 30 June 2024. Which funds did best and why over a 1 year and a 10 year period.
Some of the biggest winners last year were something called ‘lifecycle products’. We talk about what lifecycle funds are and how they work.
The difference between the accumulation phase of superannuation and the retirement phase.
Considering 1 year and 10 year performance of superfunds. Really understanding the investment horizon you are investing for.
How the current market turmoil should be considered by most people in their Prime Time.
The Retirement Income Covenant, a new piece of legislation for funds is driving a lot of change - much of which everyday people are not aware of. What is important for consumers to consider when thinking about their superannuation as they approach retirement.
Keep an eye out, I’ll be publishing a special release of the best performing super funds for 2023/24 in The Age, The Sydney Morning Herald, Brisbane Times and WA Today and on the Epic Retirement newsletter this weekend.
Last call on the Spring Epic Retirement Course
Hey everyone!
The six week How to Have an Epic Retirement Flagship Course kicks off today at noon. Yay! I can’t wait!
If you’re having last-minute FOMO, you can still book a spot. I’ve set up a 20% off coupon for Prime Timers: PRIMESPRING. Click here to book.
This weekend, in The Sydney Morning Herald, The Age, Brisbane Times and WA Today I’ll be doing a special piece on superfund returns in the retirement phase, bringing to life some of the Chant West data Ian and I have spoken about today in a lot more detail.
I’ll also be bringing out a special edition of the Epic Retirement newsletter packed with lots of data, tables and graphs.
So keep an eye out, and in the meantime, ‘make your Prime Time count’.
Many thanks! Bec Wilson
Author, podcaster, guest speaker, retirement educator … Visit my website for more info about me, here.