Feb 29Liked by Bec Wilson

That was a great session. Thank you. Can we use the retirement illustrator calculator? I just tried but it appears that only financial planners can do that.

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Hi Alexandrea, no, that calculator isn't available for consumers, but here is a link to Challenger’s “Retire with confidence’ tool" - https://www.challenger.com.au/personal/retire-with-confidence/home

here's what it does:

- Challenger’s Retire with confidence tool is essentially a three step guide to help you estimate:

++ how long your desired retirement income might last you,

++ the amount of Age Pension support you may be eligible for,

++ the impact of adding some inflation linked lifetime income stream to your retirement portfolio.

The tool is designed for use by people 60 to 80 years old.

Cheers Bec Xx

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Thank you Bec

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Is there a table for how much you will need for retiring at 60, I could think of nothing worse than to still be working at 67

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