A practical guide to living alone and loving it
In this episode, I chat with Jane Mathews, author of Living Alone and Loving It, about the joys and challenges of solo living in your Prime Time.
In this episode, I sit down with Jane Mathews—author, advocate for solo living, and proud single woman—to chat about her book, Living Alone and Loving It. We dive into the perks and pitfalls of living solo in your Prime Time, and let me tell you, nothing’s off the table in this conversation! While the book might have been published a few years back, its insights are just as relevant for today’s Prime Timers.
Here’s what we covered:
The reality vs. social perception of solo living: We talk about how living alone can be empowering but also challenging—especially when there’s no one around to nag you or push you into action.
Mental strength and tools for navigating loneliness: Jane shares how she learned to like herself, build self-esteem, and embrace loneliness, turning it into solitude. We also discuss the importance of having friends who understand and support you when loneliness hits and why you should steer clear of internet advice on this topic.
Skills, goal-setting, and self-acceptance: Jane talks about the work it takes to genuinely like who you are and how to stay proactive in your relationships by being the one to initiate and stay on the front foot.
Mindset shifts and embracing solo living: Jane’s journey from merely living alone to truly loving it involved a significant mindset shift, and she shares her insights on how to make that happen.
Relationships start with self-love: We discuss how enjoying your own company and pursuing your passions is key to nurturing your relationships with family, friends, and yourself.
The ‘Greek Chorus’ of support: Jane introduces her concept of a backup tribe—a group of people who support her needs, interests, and professional life.
Financial independence and understanding your finances: We chat about why being on top of your budget, superannuation, and financial advice is crucial when living alone.
Health and solo living: Health takes center stage, especially after Jane’s need for a hip replacement at 63. She discusses how to build your own personal health plan and why it’s essential to be brutally honest with yourself about your needs.
Food and honesty: One of Jane’s more memorable quotes—“People who live alone are rarely honest about what they eat”—sparks a conversation about everyday food habits and some inspiring ideas to keep things healthy and enjoyable.
Loving your space: Jane is passionate about making your home a place you truly love. We explore ways to make your home ‘rise up to greet you’ and fill it with warmth.
Choosing your company wisely: Surrounding yourself with ‘radiators’ (those who energise you) rather than ‘drains’ (those who sap your energy) is crucial.
Building relationships: Jane’s take on relationships includes the ‘as if’ strategy—acting as though the pieces will fall into place—but she emphasizes the need to actively go out and meet people.
Doing things solo: Finally, Jane shares her approach to goal-setting—annually, weekly, and daily. Her journaling and healthy rituals keep her motivated, and she uses an action board to stay inspired and on track.
This episode is packed with practical advice, personal anecdotes, and a whole lot of wisdom from someone who’s truly living alone and loving it. Tune in to find out how you can do the same!
From Bec’s Desk
Isn’t Jane wonderful! I’m thrilled to get her insight for all our solo retirees. Living solo is not something I can speak about with personal wisdom, but boy Jane can! Add your thoughts below and give me some insight in this poll on how you’re feeling if you’re living alone. And leave a comment on the post if you have other tips.
There’s quite a few ideas we all could embrace, even if we’re not living alone in my opinion.
Now, for those who listened to the Prime Time podcast last week, on ‘The best superfunds for when you retire’, make sure you sure my special edition that came out on the weekend edition of the Epic Retirement Newsletter. It paired with last week’s Prime Time podcast to offer you an excellent resource to review retirement phase fund performance. Have a read here if you missed it.
I also wrote a ripper of a column in The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age on this on the weekend too. Read it here.
Now get on in and have a listen to Jane Matthews! Don’t forget to leave us a review and a rating, wherever you get your podcasts. And tell your friends about it if you can!
Chat with you next week, and in the meantime, ‘make your Prime Time count’.
Many thanks! Bec Wilson
Author, podcaster, guest speaker, retirement educator … Visit my website for more info about me, here.
Hi. I really enjoyed this podcast, especially listening to Jane without interruptions, how pleasant. I also live alone & can relate to many of the same idiosyncracies. We are responsible for our own happiness😁
Fantastic podcast. I live alone and relate totally to what Jane shared. I was pleased to know I am on the right track and learnt new things too. Keen to know more about the meditation. I would like to but don't know where to start